Hot time in the City…

Been a crazy week..Hot as hell here in in NY and my feline companion, Sabrina aka Puss-Face had to go to the vet. Seems she had a bladder infection. Cats are funny. They don’t let you know they are in pain, they hide it. Instead they try to get your attention by urinating on the floor in front of you..Well that’s how I knew she was ill anyway because she never, ever does that at all.
So the trip to the vet was exciting. Puss-Face took one look at her and proceeded to let us know that if the vet touched her, it would be a bloodletting. So puss had her first taste of drugs, as she had to be sedated. Normally she will just hide her face in my arm and let the vet do what she wants. Not this time. But all will be ok in a few weeks. Antibiotics by mouth 2 x’s a day for 10 days.
This is her 93

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